


The programs are designed to reach the youth in their most comfortable space. The organisation understands that information packages presented to young people have to fit their current economic status. While some young people are within the education system, others are working professionals while the majority of young people are found in communities (either business owners, employed or unemployed). The information shared is designed to be relevant to the circumstances faced by each youth group and adults.

Online Information Hub

The online information hub is named Verify It. This information hub is designed to store a variety of information needed by the youth to help them navigate through the media trends and scams trending. Advice from experts on youth matters is discussed and stored for the youth to retrieve when required or desired. This platform can be accessed by registered youth who have access to the internet. Young people are able to ask questions and request topics to be discussed by topic experts.

Community Outreach

Community outreaches are desired for face to face interactions with young people. These are hosted at the community level or in an educational institution. These outreach events can be a 1-day session where over 150 youth attend or a 5 to a 7-day session where a group of about 30 youth people attend for the whole duration.

Media Literacy

Social Media Day is observed annually on June 30th. In its short life, social media has redefined how people interact, communicate, and share with family, friends, and the world. It seeks to expose the youth to critical and fundamental information on how they can develop, sharpen and skillfully use their abilities to improve themselves and their communities. Through the help of government,  the private sector, NGOs, and national strategies are broken down into simple terms for the youth to know and understand. It is believed that once this is achieved, the youth would align themselves to participate and contribute to the community, regional and national affairs. The youth are also allocated time to showcase their different abilities whilst also networking with each another for potential partnerships.

Our Services



Youth Empowerment

Youth Empowerment is the bedrock that holds the foundation of Eswatini Coding School. The purpose of Eswatini Coding School is to be part of bringing

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Media Literacy

Let us work together to build a more highly informed generation of social media users that have the tools to authenticate and self fact check

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Coding Clubs

One of the ways we have structured our programmes is by delivering Coding Clubs as an extracurricular activity in Schools. Our clubs are open to

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Our Activities


Our Sponsors

All the projects we have managed to complete, have ongoing and those we plan for are undoubtedly a result of all the sponsorships we have received to make it all a reality. We invite you to join in and be part of making a difference!