#CodeYourFuture with us at 

Eswatini Coding School

Our job and vision for the future are birthed out of the needs of many all around the world and our success is the goal post we have set ourselves to hit.

Youth Development

Youth Development is one of our main focuses here at Eswatini Coding School. We wish to be part of the solution ushering the next generation into a better economy.

Coding Skills

With a growing number of students across the Kingdom of Eswatini, we teach coding and web development skills to children and your in schools and communities.

Digital & Media Literacy

Information is the bedrock of any society. how that information is passed and which version reaches the last person is up to you and I. Lets work together and learn more on Media Literacy

We are here to serve

At Eswatini Coding School, we are all about growing a generation of youth of the Kingdom of Eswatini and outside the Kingdom, to help build a sustainable economy for the future 

About Us

We hope to get to work with you soon. But first, lets get you all furnished with our services

Our Services


Digital Literacy

New digital platforms are introduced into the world daily to address technology advancement, security in the world of banking, industry, trade and virtual reality. Get Yourself Equipped for What is to Come Next.

Web Development

We have prepared a curriculum to help you learn website development from the ground up. Learn a New Skill Everyday

Computer Skills

As we move into a digital world, don't get left out from todays advancements. we teach basic to advanced computer skills to all you and organized groups at adult level. Its Never to Late nor too Early to Learn.


Your time is your money and what you do with it should earn you commercial value. The skills we teach at Eswatini Coding School are geared to helping you add one or more of your streams of income. Every Minute Counts.

Media Literacy

As information reaches your device for you to consume, take a minute to ask yourself how factual the information is. Gain the right skills to process and fact check information all by yourself. Public Knowledge May Not Always Be True.

Coding Skills

Systems Engineering, Architecture, Analytics, Development all pour on the coding team. lets give you all the skills to get you started on your next project. #CodeYourFuture

Youth Empowerment

The children and your in the world are the future of the nations. What we invest in them will be our returns tomorrow. Lets Put Those Skills To Work for a Better Tomorrow.

Coding For Kids

Wise counsel says "train up a child when he is young....". Kids are hungry for information and what we expose them too may just be what they become, as we move into a digital world, lets also invest is a digital and technologically advanced generation. Building A Stronger Economy for The Nation.


We are ready for you

Youth Empowerment

Youth Empowerment is the bedrock that holds the foundation of Eswatini Coding School. The purpose of Eswatini Coding School is to be part of bringing a solution to the nation’s youth and economy. We aim…

Media Literacy

Let us work together to build a more highly informed generation of social media users that have the tools to authenticate and self fact check information received before re-broadcasting to friends and family

Coding Clubs

One of the ways we have structured our programmes is by delivering Coding Clubs as an extracurricular activity in Schools. Our clubs are open to primary, high schools and community youth groups.

Our Sponsors

All the projects we have managed to complete, have ongoing and those we plan for are undoubtedly a result of all the sponsorships we have received to make it all a reality. We invite you to join in and be part of making a difference!